Community Researchers and its academic partners conduct many projects each year at no cost.
Studies are conducted by groups of students, faculty members, and professional researchers.
All reports published on this site and available at no cost. Visit our Call for Proposals page to submit an application.
2021 Gardens Ottawa Report
Client: Gardens Ottawa
Description: Survey of Ottawa area residents regarding awareness and opinions of public gardens and garden tourism
Research leads: Gabrielle Milette and Josh Bodenstein
Institutional Partner: The BRIDGE at University of Toronto Scarborough Campus
2021 Music Festival Travel Intentions
Client: TD Toronto Jazz Festival
Description: Survey of past music festival attendees regarding travel intentions and interest in feature attractions
Research lead: Marcella Xavier
Institutional Partner: Centennial College School of Hospitality, Tourism, and Culinary Arts
2021 Post-Pandemic Large Events Survey
Client: Canadian National Exhibition
Description: Survey of 450 previous large event attendees regarding intentions on returning to live events.
Research lead: Ana Nunez
Institutional Partner: Centennial College School of Tourism, Hospitality, and Culinary Arts
2021 SAMHI Varsity Mental Health Coordinator Study
Client: Student-Athlete Mental Health Initiative (SAMHI)
Description: Examination of the role of varsity mental health providers and demonstration of benefits provided.
Research lead: Tess Armstrong
Institutional Partner: Brock University Centre for Sport Capacity